This is why the bed is placed in the middle of the room
What is the ideal position of the bed?
Usually when placing the bed in the bedroom, it is placed against the wall. However, in some special cases it can also be placed in the middle of the room. In any case, in order for it to be positioned in the best possible way, it is best to take into account above all the distance between the bed and the wardrobe and any clutter.
Positioning the bed in the centre of the room
When furnishing a bedroom, it is common to place the bed close to the wall to leave the passage to the centre of the room free. In fact, according to the standard layout, one wall is occupied by the bed, one by the wardrobe, one by the window and one by a dresser, if any.
However, often, either because you have a very large room, or to obviate structural problems and impediments, or for a purely aesthetic matter, you prefer to place it in the centre of the room.

distance between the bed and the wardrobe: What is the ideal position of the bed? – l zenit desiree double bed
When and why place the bed in the middle of the room
As we have said, choosing to place the bed in the middle of the room is a choice that may derive from different needs, both aesthetic and functional. In fact, if a room has an irregular configuration, for example with the presence of balconies or windows on several walls, with a large window overlooking the garden, or with structural elements that represent an impediment, such as niches and pillars, placing the bed in the centre of the room turns out to be a real trick to make the most of the available space.
However, even in this case, it is necessary to respect common furnishing rules, such as the distance between the bed and wardrobe, or between the bed and other furnishings, to ensure maximum room liveability.

distance between the bed and the wardrobe: What is the ideal position of the bed?- noctis jazz double bed
Positioning the bed in the centre of the room in the presence of structural constraints
As mentioned above, placing the bed in the centre of the room can be a consequence of the architectural conformation of the room. In addition to a greater number of doors and windows, there are also niches, recesses and fireplaces. Thus, placing the bed in the centre of the room by studying the best positioning of the bed in relation to the other furnishings is an intelligent solution to exploit the room in its entirety.

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Positioning the bed in the centre of a very large room
Compared to small rooms, furnishing a large room allows you to play with more solutions. In this case, the most common mistake is to place furniture and furnishings against the walls, leaving a large empty space in the centre of the room. Many to overcome this problem decide to insert a large carpet, however, most of the time the result is not the best, especially from an aesthetic point of view. Thus, one of the solutions to opt for in the case of very large rooms is to place the bed in the centre of the room. A winning choice in terms of both taste and functionality.
In fact, in this way it is possible to create an environment with a strong scenographic impact, especially if a design bed is used, such as the particular double beds, like the Zenit Désirée bed with polished aluminium feet or the Ozium Désirée bed embellished with visible tone-on-tone stitching and characterised by a completely removable fabric or leather cover and polished aluminium feet. And also the Miami Bolzan Letti bed, a round bed that gives a touch of originality without going unnoticed to one’s sleeping area, transforming it into a space dedicated to dreams and fantasy.

distance between the bed and the wardrobe: What is the ideal position of the bed? – noctis stones double bed – Arredare Moderno
Distance between bed and wardrobe in the centre of the room
If you want to design a walk-in wardrobe, placing the bed in the middle of the room is a good solution. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the right distance between bed and wardrobe. In fact, the minimum distance between the cabin structure and the bed for a smooth transition is at least 120 cm.
After making sure you have the space to organise the room in this way, you can design a linear or corner walk-in wardrobe. One solution could be to arrange the bed in the middle of the room with the wardrobe behind it. In fact, in this way it is also possible to easily insert all the other furniture necessary to furnish the night area, from the bedside tables, to the dresser, to footstools, armchairs and mirrors.
In any case, fundamental to consider, as anticipated, is the distance between bed and wardrobe. Obviously the overall dimensions of a wardrobe with hinged doors are greater than those of a wardrobe with sliding doors. In fact, the former takes up more space in depth as it requires more frontal space to open the doors. Therefore, if you are faced with furnishing a small room, you should prefer a wardrobe with sliding doors.

distance between the bed and the wardrobe: What is the ideal position of the bed? – marlon cattelan italia bed – Arredare Moderno
Discover the wide range of particular modern and design double beds on Arredare Moderno. These are distinguished by being top quality products and designed in Italy. In addition, there are various models, including fixed beds, complete beds, beds with storage, upholstered beds and beds with special shapes.