How to position the bed in relation to the window or door?

Many design magazines suggest placing the bed with the headboard facing under the window, this solution certainly offers a pleasant scenic impact but does not take into account the feelings transmitted to the person.

The bedroom is the place in the home where we should feel safest, most protected and pampered, allowing us to have a healthy and gratifying rest that allows us to face the following day at our best.

Therefore, the orientation of the bed plays a fundamental role in ensuring a good night’s rest and should not be underestimated at all, especially the position with respect to the door and the window.

What is the best position?

The best solution is to position the bed facing the door leaving the window to the side, this solution offers many benefits, firstly it improves air circulation and secondly it makes us feel more protected during the night.

Feng Shiu recommends that the wall chosen should be one of the interior ones, because according to this theory they offer more security during the night.

Position of the bed in relation to heat sources

The rule is that during the night the bedroom should never be too hot, so the bed should be placed away from radiators or other heat sources.

positioning the bed

Positioning the bed in relation to the window

Place the bed in the middle of the room?

Placing the bed in the middle of the bedroom is a modern and visually striking solution, but one that requires precise characteristics of the room and available space.

The bed in the middle of the room provides ample space, and in order to be well matched with the rest of the furniture, attention must be paid to the shape of the bed; you could opt for a round bed frame or a canopy structure, eccentric solutions with a particular and modern style.

The best bed position for a good night’s sleep?

Here are some tips for positioning the bed in the best way, always choose an interior wall, which is always warmer and more protected, if possible choose a room that overlooks a quiet, low-noise place, alternatively you may decide to soundproof the walls.

The position of the bed according to cardinal points is also very important, always opt for north or east to avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day.

A small piece of advice, it is better to avoid placing the wardrobe in front of the bed, as it can give a suffocating feeling.

The position of the bed according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui literally means Veto and Water, and is based on the concept of continuous change by letting energy flow through the rooms in which you live.

Regarding the positioning of the bed in the room, Feng Shui follows the theory of the chain of influences, from big to small, from yang to yin, based on this the position of the room in relation to the entrance door is very important.

If the position is linear, the front door before the bedroom, then the position of the bed in the room is less important, if on the contrary this is not the case then the positioning of the bed needs to be carefully considered.

In Feng Shui there are two positions, the yang position where daily activities such as cooking or working are carried out and where we are exposed to light and noise. While the yin location is where we rest and must be sheltered.

Having said this, it is necessary to look for the safest and most stable place in the room where to place the bed, avoiding openings behind and in line with the door, so the bed should never be placed under the window or in front of the entrance door.

Positioning Bed Feng Shui

Positioning of the bed according to Feng Shui

Other specifications to follow: o never place the bed under a large beam or under large objects such as chandeliers, old paintings, heavy shelves.

The head of the bed must also offer safety and protection, always use matt and non-active colours behind the bed, never use mirrors or paintings, never place the bed near large metal masses such as a boiler.

Finally, avoid electromagnetic stress and geopathogenic spots, such as antennas, repeaters, wi-fi and cordless phones, which must always be far away and off during sleeping hours.

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